Ladies Kingfish Tournament

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Esta imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es FONDO-BLANCO-17-1024x1024.jpg

South Padre Island is in charge of always offering the best fishing tournaments for its inhabitants and all Texas.  This month arrives Ladies Kingfish Tournament on its 38th edition.

This tournament is the first one in the state of Texas in which only women participate.  This is divided into two divisions Bay and Offshore.  Fisherwoman in the Bay division will compete for the Redfish, Trout and Flounder categories and of Offshore in King, Bonito, Blackfin, Tuna and Dolphin.  Trophies will be given at the first four places of each category and will be granted at the SPI Convention Center.

This event is a tournament of 3 days, which is planning to promote South Padre Island as a destination for fishing, as well touristic, encourage women to practice this sport, promote local items and invite new businesses to be part of the community of South Padre Island.

Ladies Kingfish Tournament will take place in SouthPoint Marina of Port Isabel, next August 9th and will be finishing on August 11th and registration costs will be of 100 USD for fisherwomen and 30 USD ship captains and guests.  Registration can be by mail or at the SPI Convention Center.

If you still do not have plans for these dates, come and participate or be part of the audience and live an unforgettable experience.

Author:Montserrat Bahena.

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Esta imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es logo-3.jpg

More information

Ladies Kingfish Tournament

Adress: 73355 Padre Blvd; South Padre Island, TX 78597

Phone: (956) 761-4412


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