SPI Fishing Days

octubre 1, 2019

On its third edition arrives a unique event for all fishing and sailing lovers. SPI Fishing Days are the annual exhibition of boats and everything needed to go fishing. Acquire your products, learn and celebrate this sport in South Padre Island.

The exhibition will take place in the South Padre Island Convention Center on October 19th and 20th. On Saturday 19th it will begin at 10 am and end at 7 pm and on Sunday 20th only until 5 pm.

Sellers and exhibitors, local and international will have the latest in fishing like clothing, rods, reels, accessories, knives, fishing tours and much more. Likewise, they will offer music, beer, food, seminars and will be sharing advice as well as techniques for this sport. You will also find some treasures in the stores stands like Scentsy, CutCo Cutery, Origami Owl, among others.

Prices are from 5 to 3 dollars for elderly people and military, besides you will be participating to win a Kayak! Tickets will be sold only on the day of the event.

More information

SPI Fishing Days

Adress:  7355 Padre Blvd, South Padre Island, TX 78597

Phone: (866) 639 8940
